Викторина "I know English!"

Автор публикации: Кадиршеева Асем Женисбековна
КГУ “Школа-гимназия №30” г.Нур-Султан
учитель английского языка

Форма проведения: Викторина


Развивающая: развивать мышление, внимание, скорость мышления

Воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета, умение работать в коллективе.

Образовательная: закрепить знания учащихся по изученным темам и расширить общий кругозор.

The process of the lesson

Organization moment

Good afternoon, children! I’m very glad to see you here. Now we’ll have a quiz called “I know English!”. Three teams will take part in this quiz.

It’s time to divide into three teams and introduce yourselves. Tell us what`s the name of your team? Who is the captain of the team?

Today the member of jury will be your teacher of English, Assem Zhenisbekovna. Let`s start our quiz.

Main part

Today we will travel by train. We will have 8 different stations.

Your task is to work as a team and to get as many points as you can. The team with the biggest amount of points will win.

Station 1. Antonyms

Name antonyms:










You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Station 2.Numbers (for each team)

Pronounce correctly:

    Team 1                                    Team 2                                   Team 3

  • 23
  • 98
  • 106
  • 600
  • 7000
  • 8900


  • 17
  • 77
  • 606
  • 200
  • 9900
  • 8000
  • 55
  • 90
  • 202
  • 900
  • 10000
  • 3500

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Station 3. Crossword

You will get 1 point for each right answer.

Station 4. Games.

T: Look and choose. Under given points you will have a task. If you give correct answer, you will get chose point.

Games 10 20 30

10 points: Translate

  • Регби-
  • Фигурное катание-
  • Фехтование-

20 points:

30 points:

Station 5. Transport

Look and say what is it.

The team that gives correct answer gets 5 points.

Station 6. Reading

Read and answer test questions.

You will get 5 point for each correct answer.

Station 7. Professions

T: Match words with the pictures.

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

You will get 1 point for every right answer.

Station 8. Articles  

Read and put correct article.

  • … Thames is a river in the UK
  • My name is … Aleksey.

The fastest team will get 5 point for an answer.

Ending of the quiz.


  • Evaluate yourself:

0-10 how easy was today’s quiz?

Let’s count each team’s points!

I am counting each team’s scores. The most quick-witted and the cleverest is.  The team… is the winner. Our best congratulations!

I had a great pleasure to work with you. Dear pupils, thank you for the lesson! You did a great job!

Good Bye!

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